About me
I am a Jack-of-all-trades, keen on mastering them all. Showing my talents in order to add value to the roles I perform and improving even further is one of my passions. I have a particular interest in Artificial Intelligence areas such as Machine Learning, Planning, Computer Vision and Robotics. Outside computers, I am a poetry writer, music lover, photography enthusiast and a fairly decent juggler.
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto - 2011 . 2016
Final grade: 18/20 | Grade A on the European grading scale.
Escola Secundária Garcia de Orta - 2008 . 2011
Final grade: 18/20
ESO - European Southern Observatory - Jul 2017 . Jul 2019
Worked under the umbrella of the Control Software and Engineering Department (CSE).
In the Observatory Control Software group, I developed software modules for observatory control of the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). My projects included prototyping and implementing low-level, high-performance, control loop components using C and C++, as well as high-level tools and interfaces using Python and Qt.I also participated in the Infrastructure Software and Integration group, where my work included the implementation and testing of automated continuous software deployment solutions, as well as a collaboration in DevOps related prototyping and development.
LIACC - Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory - Jul 2016 . Apr 2017
Researched the application of Computer Vision to Intelligent Transportation Systems, e.g. for traffic surveillance. In collaboration with Armis Group, the research results are industry-tested and integrated.
MASDIMA - Oct 2014 . Sep 2015
Integrated the different layers of the multi-agent system: data services, business logic and agent communication. Improved on the existing problem solving algorithms.
JS Digital Imaging Unipessoal, Lda. - Jul 2011 . Aug 2011
Sped up job delivery times by changing planning and time management methods. Facilitated interaction with foreign customers. Enhanced communication with the customer during photo editing processes.
Technical Skills
Operative systems
Windows (4/5), Windows Phone (4/5), Linux (3/5), Android (4/5), iOS (1/5), Mac OS (1/5)
Programming languages
Java (4/5), Python (3/5), C++ (3/5), C# (3/5), C (3/5), JavaScript (3/5), Scala (2/5), R (2/5), Prolog (1/5)
Web technologies
HTML5 + CSS3 (3/5), Spring Framework (3/5), Node.js (3/5), AngularJS (2/5), PHP (2/5)
PostgreSQL (4/5), MySQL (2/5), SQLite (2/5)
Machine Learning and Computer Vision Tools
OpenCV (3/5), RapidMiner (3/5), TensorFlow (2/5)
Continuous Integration and Deployment Tools
Jenkins (3/5), HashiCorp Nomad (3/5)
Other Tools and Frameworks
LaTeX (4/5), FFmpeg (3/5), Qt (2/5)
Professional Development
Artificial Intelligence Planning Course - Jan . Mar 2015
Coursera - Edinburgh University
Machine Learning Course - Sep . Dec 2014
Coursera - Stanford University
Photoshop CS4 - Sep . Oct 2009
Professional training - Centro de Serviços e Apoio às Empresas (CESAE)
The ELT M1 Local Control Software: From Requirements to Implementation
2019 17th Biennial International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS) - 2019
Authors: L. Andolfato, J. Argomedo, C. Diaz Cano, R. Frahm, T. R. Grudzien, N. Kornweibel, D. Ribeiro Gomes Santos, J. Sagatowski, C. M. Silva
A Methodological Approach for Inferring Urban Indicators Through Computer Vision
2018 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2) - 2018
Authors: Sara Paiva, Diogo Santos, Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti
Computer-vision-based Surveillance of Intelligent Transportation Systems
2018 IEEE 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) - 2018
Authors: João Neto, Diogo Santos, Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti
Adding the Third Dimension to Urban Networks for Electric Mobility Simulation: An Example for the City of Porto
Developments and Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications - 2018
Authors: Diogo Santos, José Pinto, Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti, Eugénio Oliveira
Towards the Integration of Electric Buses in Conventional Bus Fleets
2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) - 2016
Authors: Diogo Santos, Zafeiris Kokkinogenis, Jorge Freire de Sousa, Deborah Perrotta, Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti
Integrating Electric Buses in Conventional Public Transit: A First Appraisal
Master's Degree Dissertation - Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering - 2016
Author: Diogo Santos - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
Three Dimensional Modelling of Porto’s Network for Electric Mobility Simulation
2016 IEEE 11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) - 2016
Authors: Diogo Santos, José Pedro Pinto, Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti, Eugénio Oliveira
A Weighted Constraint Optimization Approach to the Nurse Scheduling Problem
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) - 2015
Authors: Diogo Santos, Pedro Fernandes, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Eugénio Oliveira
Dissertation Supervision
Listed here are dissertation projects I helped supervise, as a researcher.
Inferring Urban Indicators Through Computer Vision on Google Street View
Master’s Degree Dissertation - Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering - FEUP - 2018
Author: Sara Paiva
Supervisor: Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti
Co-Supervisor: Diogo Santos
Computer-Vision-based Surveillance of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Master’s Degree Dissertation - Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering - FEUP - 2017
Author: João Neto
Supervisor: Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti
Co-Supervisor: Diogo Santos
Complementary Activities
nuIEEE - IEEE Student Branch, Universidade do Porto
IEEE - 2013 . 2016
Member. Official IEEE branch at my university, offering activities for other students and interested parties.
Microsoft - Nov 2014 . Sep 2015
Sponsored by Microsoft to hold events and lectures to bring people closer to the latest technologies for better achieving their goals.
NAAM - Aeronautics, Aerospace and Modelling Society
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto - 2011 . 2016
Member. Student group for aeronautics and aerospace enthusiasts.
NeCG - Computer Graphics Student Group
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto - 2013 . 2015
Founding member, head of fiscal council. Student group for computer graphics, interaction and game development.
nuIEEE Java Workshop (2nd edition)
IEEE - Mar 2014
Co-presented a beginner workshop on Java. Also helped with logistics, creation of tutorial exercises and technical support.
Get in touch
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or interesting ideas you want to share.
I will get back to you as soon as I can!